This, the PBoC said in a statement ( link in Chinese) was: One step further to improve credit policy for individual householders. 该行在声明中表示,这一举措是为进一步完善个人住房信贷政策。
Massive lending by banks credit policy dilemma that will be introduced? 银行大举放贷势成骑虎信贷约束政策将要出台?
Moderately tight credit policy 适度从紧的信贷政策
And then finally, the Corporate Planning Division includes strategic planning, and credit policy and administration. 最后,公司规划部实施战略策划、信用方针和行政管理。
In this paper, to guard against credit risk for the financial industry, the financial sector over recent years there some corporate customers providing false financial information, and this affects the financial and credit policy, which led to the financial assets elaborate security issues. 本文就为金融业防范信贷风险,针对近年来金融业中一些法人客户出现提供虚假财务信息的现象,从而影响了金融信贷决策,进而导致金融资产的安全等问题进行阐述。
A limited amount of uncollectible accounts is not only expected& it is evidence of a sound credit policy. 对无法收回的应收账款额有所限制不仅是企业的一种合理的需求,也是其是否拥有健全的信用政策的标志。
Study on the Optimal Retail Price and Stock Decisions in the Supply Chain under Trade Credit Policy 商业信用下供应链价格与库存决策问题研究
Credit policy management provisions of the central bank and ICBC, and appraisal provisions& parameters of ICBC; 中央银行和中国工商银行之信贷政策管理规定,中国工商银行之评估规定和参数;
A Study on Operating Mechanism of Commercial Banks Performing Green Credit Policy 商业银行践行绿色信贷政策运行机制研究
Division and Coordination of PBC and CBRC in Credit Policy: Perspective from Hierarchical Theory 央行与银监会之间信贷政策的分工与协作:规则理论的视角
Contact the aviation coordinator for more information and refer to the UFV's transfer credit policy in the calendar. 联系航空协调员以获取更多信息,也可以在UFV的日程表中了解转学分政策。
Third, seriously implementing various monetary and credit policy measures, and promoting the reform of SOEs and the strategic restructuring of the economy. 三是认真落实已经出台的各项货币信贷措施,促进国有企业改革和经济结构战略性调整。
Inventory Model for Stock-dependent Selling Rate under Two Levels of Trade Credit Policy 基于二层信用策略且存货影响销售率的库存模型
The policy goal should be to contain inflation expectation first and, through a tightening bias in credit policy, to guide inflation down gradually over the next three years. 政府的政策目标应该是,首先通过信贷紧缩限制住通胀预期,然后在未来三年内引导通胀率逐渐下降。
Study on the Ordering Policy in the Two Phase Inventory System with Changing Deterioration Rate under Trade Credit Policy 商业信用下两阶段可变腐败率商品库存决策问题研究
How to establish a good factoring credit policy? 如何建立好的保理的信贷政策?
Evaluating Credit Policy of Promoting Autonomic Innovation Ability: A Case of Jiangsu Province 提升自主创新能力的信贷政策评估&基于江苏省结构模型的分析
These policies include: favourable tax policy, accelerating depriciation policy and investment tax credit policy. 这些政策包括税收优惠政策、加速折旧政策和投资税收抵免政策等。
The trade credit policy based on enterprise strategy has been designed. 研究了基于客户战略的企业信用政策设计。
Adjust and perfect credit policy is objective require and practical selection. 适时调整、完善信贷政策是农发行应对市场改革,推动农村经济和农业政策性金融持续、健康、稳定发展的客观要求和现实选择。
Thirdly, loan availability is restricted by banks 'credit policy. 第三,银行现行的信贷管理制度限制了民营企业对技术改造贷款的获得;
Analysis and Thoughts of the Readjustment of the Export Credit Policy of the Western Countries 对西方国家出口信贷政策调整的分析和思考
The state canied out unsuccessful financial credit policy; 国家实行的不成功的财政信贷政策;
The prosper real estate industry and the tightening real estate credit policy give a chance to C-REITs development. 我国房地产业的红火以及房地产信贷政策的收紧,为REITs在我国的发展提供了契机。
The third chapter mainly discusses establishment of credit policy. 第三部分主要论述了企业信用政策的建立。
When making credit policy, cost-benefit, stability, flexibility, coordination and prudence should be taken into consideration. 信用政策的制定应本着成本效益、稳定性、灵活性、系统配合和谨慎性原则。
This chapter elaborated the principles to make credit policy and the basic process of making credit policy. 本章阐述了企业信用政策的制定原则和信用政策制定应遵循的基本流程。
In the investment and financing policies, the paper researches the support from credit policy and risk investment policies to enterprise independent innovation. 在投融资政策上,从信贷政策和风险投资政策两方面具体研究了对企业自主创新的支持。
However, the investments of various industries have different sensitivity to the unified credit policy. 然而,各行业的投资活动对统一的信贷政策具有不同的敏感性,从行业层面研究信贷投资规律,能够更清晰的理解我国货币政策发挥作用的渠道。
The financial system, transition of the land administrative system and the loose credit policy have made the land finance take shape and continue. 压力型体制下的财政体制和土地管理制度的变迁,宽松的信贷政策和住房制度改革等因素使土地财政得以形成和延续。